first, you should use a different projection. The System.WorkItem.Incident.ProjectionType carries a lot more than you need, and with all those additional relationships, the amount of data that will be returned could be massive. You also need the script I wrote some time ago for building a projection criteria which didn't seem to make it into the smlets module ( You'll need to save that script and use it:
here's an example:
PS# $projection = get-scsmtypeprojection System.WorkItem.Incident.View.ProjectionType|select -first 1 PS# $projection ProjectionType: System.WorkItem.Incident.View.ProjectionType ProjectionSeed: System.WorkItem.Incident Components: Alias TargetType TargetEndPoint ----- ---------- --------------- AffectedUser System.User RequestedWorkItem AssignedUser System.User AssignedWorkItem
PS# get-scsmobjectprojection -Projection $projection Id Title AssignedTo Status Priority AffectedUser LastModified -- ----- ---------- ------ -------- ------------ ------------ CustomIR276 Nihil iriure sanctus gubergren invidunt commodo Luptatum Sanctus Closed 2 Id Amet 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR274 At laoreet vulputate voluptua vel accumsan Velit Sea Pending 9 Vero Enim 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR277 Aliquam invidunt stet nonumy dolores duo Velit Sea Pending 1 Id Amet 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR279 Voluptua gubergren eos in accusam elitr Invidunt Sea Active 1 Stet Sit 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR273 Esse erat facilisis kasd id consequat Aliquyam Volutpat Closed 6 In Eum 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR282 Ut rebum gubergren diam diam duo Stet Sit Pending 2 Stet Sit 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR281 Dolor clita voluptua wisi elitr aliquam Vero Enim Pending 2 JWT-D4.Administrator 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR280 Illum ut minim velit no sit Accusam Justo Pending 2 Velit Sea 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR275 Eos dignissim congue imperdiet dolore ea In Eum Active 2 Luptatum Sanctus 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM CustomIR278 Clita sed accusam accusam dolor labore Velit Sea Closed 3 Invidunt Sea 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM
PS# $criteria = new-scsmProjectionCriteria.ps1 -projection $projection -filter "AffectedUser.DisplayName -eq 'Stet Sit'"
PS# Get-SCSMObjectProjection -Criteria $criteria
Id Title AssignedTo Status Priority AffectedUser LastModified
-- ----- ---------- ------ -------- ------------ ------------
CustomIR279 Voluptua gubergren eos in accusam elitr Invidunt Sea Active 1 Stet Sit 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM
CustomIR282 Ut rebum gubergren diam diam duo Stet Sit Pending 2 Stet Sit 3/24/2012 11:14:23 PM
Then, once you've got to this point, you can set the closed state:
PS# Get-SCSMObjectProjection -Criteria $criteria | %{$_.object}|set-scsmobject -PropertyHashtable @{ Status = "Closed" }
(which sets the status, and below is the proof :^)
PS# Get-SCSMObjectProjection -Criteria $criteria Id Title AssignedTo Status Priority AffectedUser LastModified -- ----- ---------- ------ -------- ------------ ------------ CustomIR279 Voluptua gubergren eos in accusam elitr Invidunt Sea Closed 1 Stet Sit 4/24/2012 11:31:17 PM CustomIR282 Ut rebum gubergren diam diam duo Stet Sit Closed 2 Stet Sit 4/24/2012 11:31:16 PM
Also, you should be able to provide a two part criteria:
$criteria = new-scsmProjectionCriteria -projection $projection -filter "AffectedUser.DisplayName -eq 'Stet Sit' -and Status -ne 'Closed'"
which will further reduce the amount of retrieved data