It seems to me that you are experiencing the same problem as I had.
Your information is probably stored in either a extension of the request incident class (for custom attributes) or stored in a relationship class.
Look through all your classes for Request records and see if you need to choose another: ClassExtension_<id>
when prompting asking for information.
So try to investigate the correct Incident class and then define that class to retrieve all information in the custom attributes you created.
Within the for each i could get correct relationship attributes by calling Get-SCSMRelatedObject on the $rRecord object and whoops i had access to the correct data for the record.
It seems to me that you are experiencing the same problem as I had.
Your information is probably stored in either a extension of the request incident class (for custom attributes) or stored in a relationship class.
Look through all your classes for Request records and see if you need to choose another: ClassExtension_<id>
when prompting asking for information.
So try to investigate the correct Incident class and then define that class to retrieve all information in the custom attributes you created.
# Get my extended class of Incident with my custom attributes
$IncidentClass = Get-SCSMclass -SCSMSession $scsm -Name ClassExtension_da3e_asd123_213_qed23
# I use filter as a variable and here i made use of Get-Date function to get 2 separate dates as a intervall of the records i want, and
# I also wanted to exclude cases created by Operations Manager from my output.
$filter_ExcludeAlarm = "CreatedDate -ge '$startDate' AND CreatedDate -le '$endDate' AND Source -ne '$opManager'"
# Here i use the GET function to retrieve objects of the Extended Incident class with a FILTER for records between 2 specified dates.
$iRecords = Get-SCSMobject -SCSMSession $scsm -Class $IncidentClass -Filter $filter_IncludeAlarm
# Generate report based on the selected records from our Criteria.
$outReport = @()
# Run foreach command to loop through the Incident objects and retrieve information
If ($iRecords.count -gt 0){
foreach ($rRecord in $iRecords){
# add what you want to do here
$objReport = New-Object System.Object
# Add attribute for to Object
$objReport | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Record ID' -Value $rRecord.Id
$objReport | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name 'Your unique attribute' -Value $rRecord.<yourCustomAttribute>
# Add object to array
$outReport += $objReport
# Dump out the imput from the array
# Or even better dump it into a TXT file
$outReport | Export-Csv "C:\<your>\<path>\<and filename>.txt -encoding "unicode"
There is probably better and more efficient ways of doing this but this is how i solved unique reports based on custom attributes and relationships.Within the for each i could get correct relationship attributes by calling Get-SCSMRelatedObject on the $rRecord object and whoops i had access to the correct data for the record.